Sheikhbahaee University
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Industrial Management GROUP

The objectives of the Industrial Management program are as follows:
• to graduate well rounded Industrial Managers who are prepared for employment or entry into a graduate program and have a strong sense of professionalism, and
• to provide graduates with a set of skills that will allow them to grow professionally and provide services and leadership in their careers.
The curriculum is designed to assure that students, at the time of graduation, are able to:
• apply knowledge of mathematics and science,
• design, develop, implement and improve a component, process, or integrated system of people, materials, information, equipment, and energy to meet desired needs within realistic constraint (such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety),
• function on multidisciplinary teams,
• know contemporary issues, and
• recognize the needs for and have the ability to engage in life-long learning.

Industrial Management GROUP'S HEAD

DR. Ahmad Reza Akhavan Sarraf

Academic Rank: Professor

Industrial Management SUB GROUPS

Information of Industrial Management group in different educational levels, click on each section for more information.